The monastic tradtion within which Assumption Abbey was founded, contains two major essences. The first is monastic life lived at the Abbey. This way of life is mainly characterized by communal and private prayer, work, meals and recreation in common.
The second essence of our way of life is having monks serve outside the monastery helping the meet the needs of the Church. For us, we usually seek to serve the pastoral or education needs of our area or nearby states. we also have monks serving as professors and chaplains at two Catholic universities.
Those who serve outside the monastery are called Monks on Mission. It is their task, not only to perform the work their job entails, but to bring to their work the monastic values of simplicity, humility and preferring nothing to the love of Christ.
Monks on Mission remain full members of Assumption Abbey. They come to visit their monastic home as often as they can. Monks may serve outside the monastery for short periods, or for most of their monastic lives. Still, they are always mindful of their monastic identity, live monastic values, and return to the monastery when they are assigned to a job at the Abbey or when they retire. They come home to the Abbey at various times, including our monastic retreats and business meetings.
Monks are also encourged to obtain receive further education. This might be to complete an undergraduate degree, to recieve further theological or seminary training, or other graduate degrees.